Tips for Creating an Online Store

Archive for the ‘Fun Stuff’ Category

Separated at birth?

Friday, March 6th, 2009

Rishi and Margo

I live in Austin and Rishi lives in Chicago. We only see each other in person about 3 times per year. This week Rishi came to Austin for our Texas meetup tour and after spending some time together it came to our attention that we have very similar tastes in fashion.  Here we are both wearing our favorite “work-at-home” outfits. It’s good when the two founders of a company are on the same page, right?

How to Create a Facebook Fan Page

Friday, February 20th, 2009

Facebook is a great place to gain more awareness about your brand.  You can create a Fan Page for your product or company and have facebook users become fans of it.  Everytime a new fan joins your fan club all their friends are alerted giving more exposure to your product.

Nutella has over 2.7 MILLION fans on facebook.  That is a lot of people that said they love Nutella (disclosure: Nutella is soooo good and I have it with my toast every morning).  Do you think Nutella saw a rise in business?  I think so.  Even getting 25-50 Facebook fans is a HUGE acheivement in mind.

Here is how you can create your Facebook Fan Page:

1. Go here

2. Click on “Create A Page”

3. Pick a category.  For our customers I would suggest the “Brand or Product” category.

4. Pick a specific category in the drop down

5. Enter in the name of your product or online store (For example in our case we put Flying Cart, if you sell resistance bands I would put in “Resistance Bands” this way you can attract a wider audience of people into fitness).

6. Click on “Create Page”

7. Login to Facebook.  (You don’t have an account?  OMG … ARE YOU SERIOUS? just kidding… you can create one easily for free)

8. Upload pictures of your products

9. Add videos of your products and you!

10. Invite all your facebook buddies to your fan club

Also note that Facebook Fan Pages are indexed by Google so its another great SEO trick.

Check out the Flying Cart fan page. Become a fan of us too!

Feel free to invite me to your fan page, I’d love to join.

Surround your work area with really cool stuff

Sunday, February 8th, 2009

Last week I went to the Threadless HQ, a crowd sourced t-shirt company.  Designers submit t-shirt entries, winning designers get some money and a cut on the t-shirts sold.  It is an 8 year old company that sells thousands of t-shirts a day.  Threadless being a pretty innovative company has surrounded their office with tons of random cool stuff like graffiti art on the walls, old car seats, gutted vans, and lots more.  Their CTO Harper Reed gave us a tour and I took some pictures.

The point of this post is if you want to make interesting unique stuff – think about surrounding yourself in interesting unique stuff.  I’m going to start by making a colage out of my old business week magazines.


Thursday, February 5th, 2009

Enough said.  Find more of these at

Staying Pumped while Working Alone

Monday, January 26th, 2009

Pandora LogoIt’s easy to get a lot more work done when you are pumped!  Almost daily (especially after lunch) I need to listen to music to bring my energy level up.  I am a big fan of Pandora.  Enter a song or artist that you enjoy, and Pandora responds by playing selections that are musically similar.

Obama Icon Me

Tuesday, January 20th, 2009

The coolest thing I did today in the Inauguration spirit was create my own photo. You upload a picture and it transforms it into an Obama style campaign poster.

Checkout mine. haha

Poll: What is your online store New Years Resolution?

Friday, January 2nd, 2009

Every year I make 1 goal personally for my business.  What is yours?  I am looking forward to your answers.  Feel free to use the “Other” option and tell me what specifically you are going to do to grow your business.

[polldaddy poll="1241922"]

Poll: Which tie would you buy?

Monday, December 8th, 2008

Poll: Which t-shirt would you buy?

Tuesday, November 18th, 2008

T-Shirt Options free polls
Which T-shirt would you buy?

Grey T-Shirt A

Grey T-Shirt B

Slumdog Millionaire

Sunday, November 16th, 2008

I watched Slumdog Millionaire this weekend and loved it!  I have never been so moved from a movie before.  It is only playing in selected cities but hopefully it will open up everywhere soon.