Tips for Creating an Online Store

How to integrate your UPS account with PayPal

If you want to use your UPS settings to handle your shipping you can easily override the Flying Cart shipping settings and use them.  Here is how you can setup PayPal to use your UPS settings.

1.Login to your PayPal account and click on “Profile” -> “More Options”

2. Click on”Shipping Preferences”

3. Click on “Add new or existing UPS account”

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2 Responses to “How to integrate your UPS account with PayPal”

  1. ElectricPrism says:

    So far, from what I can tell the only reason to link a UPS account to a PayPal account is to print shipping labels and not to calculate shipping costs on a per-item basis,

    The lack of this common feature makes PayPal Cart useless and un-viable.

  2. says:

    How to integrate your UPS account with PayPal | Tips for Creating an Online Store…

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