Tips for Creating an Online Store

New Feature: Add an Extra Page

Add an extra page to your store! Use this page to add a customer testimonial section, more information on your products, pictures of your customers, or anything else you can think of.


This page will be added to the main navigation in your store.  Enjoy!

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4 Responses to “New Feature: Add an Extra Page”

  1. lisa says:

    i would like to create a few separate extra pages for testimonials, faq, information, etc. if you could set that up, it would be fantastic!

  2. You all are on a roll!!! I’ve been wanting extra pages too and hadn’t gotten around to putting it on my Flying Cart wishlist. THANK YOUUUUUUUUUU!!!

  3. OOPS..forgot to add, I am like Lisa in that I could also use multiple “extra pages” to keep my extra content separated and easy to find. I’m grateful for my one extra page which I’ve already dedicated to studio shots…..but could also use more if it’s possible. Thanks for all your hard work on getting us new features.

  4. Gio says:


    I feel the ideas pouring through. let me know if you guys come up with some good ones. I like the testimonials and FAQ idea.
