Tips for Creating an Online Store

New! Start a Conversation with your Customers

Freshly launched Fan Feedback as a super easy way for you to create a conversation with your customers.  We really want you to generate a community around your products.  Let me know what you think.


4 Responses to “New! Start a Conversation with your Customers”

  1. steve clay says:

    Love the whole ‘getting customers involved idea’ however, for my own store I wlould have liked the option to change the name of the fan club to ‘collectors club’. Also it would be great to have the facility for customers to post comments on any product in the store (subject to the owner seeing it first of course!) Keep up the good work guys!


  2. rishi says:

    Thanks for tip Steve! That is a great idea.

  3. osman says:

    Great, great, great idea!!!

  4. Dear Mr. Rishi shah
    Well done! You are really doing the research and adding more option to the store owners. Excellent work indeed.
    Please consider this option:
    To have direct interact with the buyer and seller and suggestion and opinion with star rating of each topic.

    good luck.
