Tips for Creating an Online Store

Stats FAQ

Product Stats – What does this mean? What should I do with this information?

Product stats allows you to keep track of how many times a product was viewed and the number of items sold. It can be used as a simple way to track inventory, or you can use this information to determine if a new product was successful, which products to feature on the homepage, and which products need heavier promotion.

Search Stats – What does this mean? What should I do with this information?

Search stats allows you to see what people are looking for in your store. The feature lists up to 200 search terms. Study your search stats to determine the best keywords that will reach your client base. If you see a product repeatedly searched for, the stats could also clue you in on which products to feature on the homepage. If a visitor is looking for something you don’t offer, the search terms may even provide inspiration for future products.

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