Tips for Creating an Online Store

FotoViewr: Create Picture Slide Shows

A lot of our stores are using Slide to display product slideshows on their homepage.  Check out – they allow you to create 3D interactive photo galleries.  I got a full demo of the product a few months ago and was impressed.


4 Responses to “FotoViewr: Create Picture Slide Shows”

  1. Cobra says:

    That’s some pretty wicked stuff man… I’ll be putting this gadget to work on my sight real soon… Thanks Rishi!

  2. rishi says:

    check out this store: they are using it :)

  3. Jerry says:

    Hi… great idea. I’m trying to put that on my flying-cart store. where do I insert the embedded html? Or do I have to edit it through CSS. :-(

    I tried inserting HTML in the Welcome box, but it never posted.


  4. margo says:

    I checked your site ( and your FotoViewer code isn’t complete. You can insert the code in the homepage Welcome text section as you did with a small change. Click on the “HTML” button on the editor toolbar and paste the code into the pop-up window. Click Insert to close the window and then save your changes.