Tips for Creating an Online Store

Poll: What is your online store New Years Resolution?

Every year I make 1 goal personally for my business.  What is yours?  I am looking forward to your answers.  Feel free to use the “Other” option and tell me what specifically you are going to do to grow your business.

[polldaddy poll="1241922"]


4 Responses to “Poll: What is your online store New Years Resolution?”

  1. Jessica says:

    I’d really like to advertise with Google and on Myspace ( as well.

  2. rishi says:

    Jessica – that is a great resolution. Keep me posted on the MySpace Ads. Let me know if you would to see me post a step by step guide on how to post ads on there.

  3. Rob says:

    My main goal is all about promotion. I have been reading a lot of your older postings on the blog and finding the tips on promoting my site. I plan to devote some time to this daily.

  4. rishi says:

    Rob – Good goal. Make sure you get on the HARO mailing list: