Every year Google tells us what the top searches were in Google Zeitgeist. They have a product zeitgeist too.
What I found most interesting was the “Cold Weather” category. I was surprised to see Pea Coat as the #1 searched item.
Every year Google tells us what the top searches were in Google Zeitgeist. They have a product zeitgeist too.
What I found most interesting was the “Cold Weather” category. I was surprised to see Pea Coat as the #1 searched item.
Last night I went to a thai restaurant with my mom. Before I walked in, I saw a sign that said “Sorry… Heavy Door”. I can just imagine customers getting frustrated with the door and then coming in with an angry mood. This simple sign totally prevents that.
This made me think of ways that online stores can manage expectations:
We had a great community call yesterday. I really enjoyed it. Download the entire discussion here on MP3 here for free.
We discussed:
In our next community call we will be discussing Google Adwords and building trust.
PJ of Immortal Beloved Toys is putting on a Show. He invited artists to paint on his toys and display them.
I asked him how he pulled this off! This is what he said:
“I searched galleries all over the world via the internet. I then hand selected who I would like to be in the show. From there i offered each artist a chance to do a custom toy. I ordered about 35 blank toys. I explained to each of the artists that i am only a small mail order store and so they need pay up front. So after I got the list all worked out i went to this new gallery that one of my friends opened and offered him a chance to hold what some of the toy websites are calling *possibly one of the best shows of the year*. So i expect that most of the sales will come off the site, not at the actual gallery itself. so with a lot of begging and pleading and promoting, here we are! So basically anyone with a product on their site can offer a little more with asking someone to do a special one of a kind piece ”
If you are in the New York area – Go check it out!
Nice job PJ! Please let us know how it went.
All business pray for press, well stop praying and subscribe to Help a Reporter Out. Peter Shankman sends out daily emails where reporters are looking for stories. This is how we got Flying Cart into the New York Times and Gaebler.com.
Just the other day a reporter wanted to do a story about green laptop notebook cases, just imagine if you were a store selling these. It does take time and little bit of effort but in the long run it is totally worth it.
Here is a quick tip. If you own a custom domain register it for at least 5 years. Google favors websites that have been registered for 5 or more years. It shows them that your website will be around for a while.
Last week I met Ted. He started Powered Green. You can buy a sticker for your laptop that goes towards buying a new wind turbine. The wind turbine produces the amount of energy an average laptop needs in its life time. Here is how it works.
Anyway… I bought one. A day later Ted emails me asking if I can send him a picture of me and my powered by green laptop to post on their website. Of course I was pumped and excited! I sent him my picture and he posted it.
I thought this was a great idea! Post pictures of your customers using your product! This can be easily done with flickr or slide – Let me know if you are interested on a “How To” post about this.
Why I like it:
- The best customer testimonial you can get is a picture of your customer smiling and using your product
- It shows a sense of community
- This will get your customers involved and excited to be a part of your business. Customers will be exited to show it off to their friends.
If you are a photographer and want to protect your pictures. Try adding a watermark to the images you upload to your store. An easy and free tool is PicMarkr.com.
In 30 seconds I was able to add “Rishi’s Cup Cake Studio” to the picture.
I just saw the coolest flyer. You see all the information about their biz on the front (typical flyer, nice and colorful).
Then the magic happens… you flip it over and BOOM a postcard! I scanned it in to show all of you.
Why I love it sooo much:
- It gets you to tell a friend about it (by sending it to them)
- It is green (goes with their theme of their project)
Also check out their project. Pretty cool stuff – DriveAlternatives.com
I will send this postcard to the person with the best comment.