Tips for Creating an Online Store

Posts Tagged ‘Lifestyle images’

Keysa’s Boutique Los Angeles Lifestyle Image

Tuesday, July 20th, 2010


Just like a brick and mortar storefront puts up displays and signs to catch customers’ attention and make a great first impression, an online store should make a great first impression with a bold lifestyle image. What’s a lifestyle image? A lifestyle image captures the essence of a brand or company and helps customers relate to the product.

Keysa’s Boutique Los Angeles gives customers an impression of their overall vibe with a fantasic lifestyle image. From the picture we can tell that the shop carries casual summer wear. It also has a cool urban vibe that appeals to a young fashion foward crowd. What’s really great is that the dress featured in the lifestyle image can be from their online store.

So what kind of lifestyle images make sense for your business? Your best bet is to just show your target audience using your product, which will help you customers picture themselves using it too.