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Posts Tagged ‘Soap’

Simplicity Soaps Sells Natural Soap With Flying Cart

Thursday, December 5th, 2013

Most soaps and lotions you’ll find in the grocery store contain harsh chemicals. Those chemicals can damage your skin in the long run. If you want natural soaps and lotions that aren’t full of harsh chemicals check out Simplicity Soaps. They carry a wide variety of soaps and lotions, all of which are free from chemicals that can irritate your skin. So check out their store today and get some great natural soap!

Ol’ Factory Sells Great Smells On Flying Cart

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

What does your soap smell like? It probably has flowers or a beautiful mountain lake on the packaging, but it probably just smells like soap. Ol’ Factory offers some great alternatives to soap that smells like soap including a mint scented bar of soap shaped like an ice cream cone, and Duke soap – a bar of soap that carries a masculine scent comprised of several spice scents. They even offer up some fun kids’ soaps including a dinosaur egg soapcomplete with a toy dinosaur inside! Whatever your tastes, Ol’ Factory offers a soap you’ll love.