Naija Republic Apparel is a Nigerian owned & operated apparel company based out of Brooklyn, NY. Founded in 2009 with a vision to create quality, laid-back and chic look for the Nigerian way of life with apparel that speaks of the culture. Our goal is to blossom into a home grown name brand.
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Archive for the ‘Fun Stuff’ Category
How do I send out coupons to my fans?
Wednesday, December 9th, 2009Tracey of It Girl Nail Decals just asked “How do I send out coupons to my fans?”
Thanks for the great question Tracey! Here is how you do it.
Create a Coupon
1. Going to the “Marketing” -> “Give Coupons” section
2. Pick a Coupon type “Percentage Off” or “Free Shipping”. In this example we are going to do a “Percentage Off” coupon for 10% if they type in “Awesome” and we are going to a make it public (public coupons get displayed off our homepage). Hit the “Save” button to make your coupon active!
Send a Newsletter
3. Go to “Network” -> “Mail My Fans”
4. Enter in a subject, pick a greeting, and send them a message. Make sure the message tells your fans about your coupon!
Click on the “Mail My Fans” button at the bottom and your coupon will be sent to all your fans!
The best marriage proposal in world history
Friday, July 10th, 2009It is wedding season and with a bunch of my friends getting married this year I hear a lot of great proposal stories. This one tops all of them.
250 Free Business Cards for Flying Cart stores
Thursday, April 16th, 2009The folks over at Bizcard reached out to me and asked if they can give all our stores free business cards. I said “Yes! Of course”. You should always carry some business cards around.
Biz Card is offering each Flying Cart store one free print marketing kit to help you promote your store. The kit includes:
* 250 business cards to help network and share your web store information
* 50 Thank You Notes to show appreciaition to your customers
* and 22 Magnets to remind them of your business.
You will need to pay the shipping fee. If you want the deal email them at [email protected]
This is a super funny video I just saw the other day about Business Cards:
FotoViewr: Create Picture Slide Shows
Wednesday, April 15th, 2009A lot of our stores are using Slide to display product slideshows on their homepage. Check out – they allow you to create 3D interactive photo galleries. I got a full demo of the product a few months ago and was impressed.
Make Things Happen with Teamwork
Saturday, March 28th, 2009The best businesses in the world were started by 2 or more people. Having a good business partner can go a looooong way. Do you have a business partner?

Everything is Amazing and Nobody is Happy
Sunday, March 22nd, 2009I laughed really hard when I saw this. Also true.
New Business Cards
Saturday, March 21st, 2009Margo “the creative one” Baxter made some awesome business cards for the team. I love seeing peoples reaction when I hand them my business card.
Here is what my business card looks like.


We used Blockbuster Print to print our cards – good printing service.