Tips for Creating an Online Store

Archive for the ‘Marketing Tips’ Category

I want to sell online but have no idea what to sell. Help!

Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

There are lots of people that have this problem. Wouldn’t it be great to have your own business, work from home, and have the freedom to set your own hours? Of course it would.  But what will you sell?

You need to sell something that you are passionate about. You will be looking at your products day in and day out, convincing other people why they should buy them, and being a spokesperson for your product. If you don’t love what you sell, you will not enjoy running your own business.

You can either sell something that already exists or you can invent something new. If you make art or crafts, that would probably be your obvious choice. If you would like to invent a new product, think about a problem that you have that your new product could solve. If you have a certain problem, so do lots of other people and they will want your product.

paularadcliffeIf you want to sell products that already exist, you need to narrow it down. Think about your hobbies and interests. Make a list of five things you do for fun on the weekend.  You are probably already somewhat of an “expert” at these things, which automatically puts you in a good position for starting a business. Next, make a list of two or three products that are related to each of those activities.  Are there any products in that list that it would be realistic for you to sell? Choosing a very specific set of products is better than choosing a broad set.

Here’s an example. I’m a long-distance triathlete and I place high physical demands on my body each day. Compression socks are a new trend with endurance athletes… basically, they are athletic knee socks that you wear after or during a workout to improve muscle recovery so you can be ready for the next workout. They are effective for me and I recommend them to others.  My business could be an online store selling every type of compression sock that exists. It’s a very specific market, but there is no store like that currently in existence. I could establish myself as the internet resource for these socks. I enjoy talking with and helping other athletes so this seems like a good match for me.

Do some brainstorming and talk to your friends to figure out what would be good for you. It will take some work to get your business going, but if you like what you do it won’t feel like work at all.

Your video assignment

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009

Video is everywhere on the web because sites like YouTube make it so easy for people to do. If you go to a site and you see a video, do you click on it?  Would you be more likely to read about something on a site or watch a video that explains it to you?  I think in general, we are all getting lazier and lazier about the whole “reading” thing. Why read when you can have content spoon-fed to you with video?  I’m a cynic, it’s true.

That said, I think video can be effective in small, high-quality doses. Putting a video of yourself and your products on your site is an effective way to create a connection with your customers. All you need to make your own video is a webcam. They are built-in to most new laptops, and they also are pretty cheap to get as an add-on.  (Another great use for a webcam is free video chatting on Skype.)

Making a video is simple. You just start your video software, turn on the webcam, and hit record. Spontaneous unpolished video is totally acceptable, and has a nice friendly feeling to it. Don’t be modest, point the camera and talk. Then get yourself on the web. Rishi wrote up a post a while back about how to upload your video to YouTube.

Here’s your first video assignment: In 30 seconds, tell us how Flying Cart is working out for your business. Upload your video to YouTube, send us the link, and we’ll feature your video and your store on our site. In your video, make sure you say your name, your store name, and the web address of your store.

How to Get Rid of a Cough

Monday, March 23rd, 2009

I just got back from a family vacation in Mexico.  I brought back sand, a sun burned face, and a mild annoying cough.

Sooo…  I googled “How to Get Rid of a Cough?”  The first link was this page with an article by Jonathan Hatch.  One thing he recommends is Eucalyptus Oil.

What did I do?  I bought Eucalyptus Oil.

If you sell a product that can help fix something.  Research and write about it on different sites like Get Rid of Things. Then recommend the product you sell.

Screen Shot of How to Get Rid of a Cough

Screen Shot of How to Get Rid of a Cough

How to Start a Blog

Friday, March 13th, 2009

1. Go to Google’s

2. Click “Create a Blog”

3. Thats it.

Here is a video of me giving you the top 3 reasons on why you need to start a blog.

Use Coupons with Google Checkout

Friday, March 6th, 2009

For those of you that use Google Checkout, you can now offer coupons to your customers! Google allows you to create coupons for a percentage off the order total or for a specific dollar value discount.

Here’s how you set up a coupon in Google Checkout:

  1. Log in to your Google Checkout account and go to “My Sales”.
  2. Click on the “Tools” tab at the top, then click on “Coupons” on the left side.
  3. Click on “Create a new coupon”.Create a coupon in Google Checkout
  4. Fill out steps 1-3 to create your coupon and click “Create”.Create a coupon in Google Checkout

When customers make a purchase with Google Checkout in your store, they will see a place on the order page to enter the coupon code. The discount will be applied right there and the person can pay as usual.

Create a coupon in Google Checkout

The coupon code and the discount will be shown on the order page in Flying Cart.

Create a coupon in Google Checkout

You can mail out your coupon codes to customers with a fan mailing or offer them to all shoppers by posting the code on your site. You could even mail a special coupon code in your shipping notifications to try to get repeat business. You can get pretty creative with your promotions.

You have to use Google Checkout for this, as the service is not offered for PayPal users.  Here are some directions on how to switch to Google Checkout.

How to Create a Facebook Fan Page

Friday, February 20th, 2009

Facebook is a great place to gain more awareness about your brand.  You can create a Fan Page for your product or company and have facebook users become fans of it.  Everytime a new fan joins your fan club all their friends are alerted giving more exposure to your product.

Nutella has over 2.7 MILLION fans on facebook.  That is a lot of people that said they love Nutella (disclosure: Nutella is soooo good and I have it with my toast every morning).  Do you think Nutella saw a rise in business?  I think so.  Even getting 25-50 Facebook fans is a HUGE acheivement in mind.

Here is how you can create your Facebook Fan Page:

1. Go here

2. Click on “Create A Page”

3. Pick a category.  For our customers I would suggest the “Brand or Product” category.

4. Pick a specific category in the drop down

5. Enter in the name of your product or online store (For example in our case we put Flying Cart, if you sell resistance bands I would put in “Resistance Bands” this way you can attract a wider audience of people into fitness).

6. Click on “Create Page”

7. Login to Facebook.  (You don’t have an account?  OMG … ARE YOU SERIOUS? just kidding… you can create one easily for free)

8. Upload pictures of your products

9. Add videos of your products and you!

10. Invite all your facebook buddies to your fan club

Also note that Facebook Fan Pages are indexed by Google so its another great SEO trick.

Check out the Flying Cart fan page. Become a fan of us too!

Feel free to invite me to your fan page, I’d love to join.

Learn from our top stores

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

Everyone wants to know how to make more sales. I thought it would be interesting to take a look at some of most successful stores and figure out what they have in common.  All of these stores are doing very well.

Browse through these sites. What lessons can be learned? Here are my thoughts.

Lesson 1: Pick a very specific field and be the BEST in the world at it.

The first thing I notice about all these stores is that they sell products with very specific audiences. They each sell in their own niche market and can therefore focus on being the best in their area. Many of these stores have a link to their own website with more information, or they have a blog. Customers know that they have come to a store where the owner has expertise and that creates a sense of trust. I think this the most important lesson to learn here.

Lesson 2: It takes time and patience.  If you are ready to give up, give it more time.

The majority of these stores have been around for over a year. While a few of them brought existing customers when they started and were able to average $3000-$5000 in sales for their first six months in business, several in this list did not bring in any sales at all until they had been around for at least three months. One of these store owners got so frustrated by lack of sales that she was ready to close down, but then all of a sudden, sales started trickling in and she decided to give it more time. Good thing she did.

Lesson 3: A simple store design does the trick

Each of these stores has made simple but effective design customizations. They all use their own logo, and they have all modified their color scheme to match their products and the theme of the store. None of them have spent a big budget to hire a professional designer. If you think you need to spend a lot of time and money on your design, use that time to focus on lesson 1 instead.

Your Email Signature

Saturday, January 31st, 2009

Is your website in your email signature?  Mine is.  If yours isn’t take a few minutes and add it.  Everyone you contact should know about your business.

What is a email signature? An email signature is a block of text appended to the end of an email message.

Check out these instructions on hotmail, gmail, or yahoo to setup your email signature.

Not sure what to do next? Consult the new task checklist.

Wednesday, January 28th, 2009

It’s easy to create a basic store website with Flying Cart, but how do you create an amazing store and a successful business? Not quite as easy. Our new store to-do checklist guides you through the process of building and marketing your store one step at a time. We have selected 20 tasks that we believe are most crucial to your success.

Store Checklist

Next time you log in to your store, you will see the checklist at the top of the screen on the Dashboard. Tasks will automatically get checked off as you complete them, or you can check them off on your own. Your progress will appear as a percentage on the progress meter.  You can hide the checklist at any time by clicking the X button in the top right corner.

Star Seller Get Flying Cart Star Seller status by completing everything in the list.

Submit a Press Release

Thursday, January 22nd, 2009

Press Releases are sort of the old way of doing business and have never worked for me.  That said I still submit a few press releases every 6 months just because you never know and it is always good to have another site linking to your store.

First you need to write a press release.  Here is a great article on Wiki How on how to write one.

There are a gazillion places you can submit your press release.  Here are the best ones:

Personally I would never pay to submit a press release (all the ones mentioned above are free or have free options).  If you had to pick where to spend you time you are better off contacting bloggers/newspapers directly and telling them about your product.